Matt Evans

The Blessing of New Leadership: Welcoming Ryan & Emily Stigile to RBCC

In Acts 1:15-26, Matthias was chosen to be the new and 12th apostle. In Acts 6:1-7, new leaders were added to the church. In Acts 11:25-26, Barnabas went to get Paul and add him to Antioch’s leadership. In 2 Timothy 2:2, Timothy is instructed to raise up more teachers in the Ephesus church. In Titus […]

The Annual Rock Bridge Budget: 2017

Each year Rock Bridge members have an opportunity to review and adopt our annual budget. The budget is a combination of wise stewardship, faith for the future, and fiscal restraints that strategically advance our mission and reflect our most recent priorities, while protecting the financial integrity of the church. The budget is only one part […]

What Every Rock Bridger Needs to Know

1) 2016 was a GREAT year! We saw a 10% increase in small group involvement, launched our 5th campus in Hixson, moved into a permanent facility in Chatsworth debt free(!), served our communities through HOPE, and continued to grow in Christ-likeness and faithfulness. 2) The BOLD Initiative continues … After the Chatsworth building was completed, […]

The Election is Over. Now What?!?

The crazy 2016 presidential election is over, and Donald J. Trump is now our President-Elect. I (Matt) have heard so many differing reactions to these results—from fear to elation and everything in between—that we need to wrestle with the question, “How should a Christian respond to Election 2016?” 1) Pray Whether you voted for Trump […]


Our Elders have called us as a church to a Day of Prayer & Fasting on Wednesday, November 2nd. We see connections in Scripture between the intense prayer and fasting of God’s people and God’s work among those same people (see Acts 13:1-3). For many of us, fasting can seem out of reach—only for a […]


Below is a summary of the truths, principles, and guidelines Rock Bridge would aspire to as we make disciples of Jesus and act as “salt and light” in the world in which we find ourselves.       1) The central issue is the Lordship & Kingship of Jesus Christ. We must be careful not […]

Our Next Staff Position: Executive Pastor (XP)

Our Next Staff Position: Executive Pastor (XP) What? Why? When? Off and on for several years, our church has contemplated creating the position of Executive Pastor (XP) within our organization. The impulses for this consideration have been driven by two factors: the growing complexities and dynamics of our ministry and the limitations and capacities of […]

What do Elders do at Rock Bridge?

We are entering a prayerful time of discernment as our elder selection process begins for 2017. Our church has also existed as an Elder-guarded and Elder-guided church. Practically, this means that our elders do the following:     Guard the mission, vision, doctrine, unity, and resources of the church. Serve as shepherds/overseers guarding our members […]

What Happened at the Cross?

2 Corinthians 5:21—“God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” {NIV} In part 2 of “You Turn” I referenced Joni Erickson Tada’s description of God the Father making God the Son “to be sin for us”.  After receiving requests for […]


In the last blog post, we discussed how diversity glorifies God and therefore, that pursuing diversity in the church is part of being faithful. So how can we practically support mission-critical, God-glorifying diversity?       1) Keep your ambition for God’s glory high. We begin our mission statement with the phrase, “To glorify God […]

Seeing God in Hi-Def

This past weekend in our message my prayer was to help us see God more clearly in terms of His character and His grace in the Gospel. The key to faithfulness is embracing all of Who God is and all of Who He is for us as loving Father, Savior and King Jesus, and indwelling […]