Matt Evans

Posted August 25, 2016
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In the last blog post, we discussed how diversity glorifies God and therefore, that pursuing diversity in the church is part of being faithful.

So how can we practically support mission-critical, God-glorifying diversity?




1) Keep your ambition for God’s glory high.

We begin our mission statement with the phrase, “To glorify God … We must understand this is the aim of history and should be the ultimate ambition of our hearts. As a church, we are not simply trying to be a big church that grows bigger; we are striving to be a biblically faithful, God-intoxicated church pursuing full faithfulness to Christ. Diversity is part of God’s glory. Diverse churches showcase God’s glory. It’s all about His glory!

Yes, Yahweh, we wait for You

in the path of Your judgments.

Our desire is for Your name and renown.

Isaiah 26:8 {HCSB}

2) Assume there is some degree of racism in you … and fight it with the blood of Jesus, His Spirit, His Word, and the promise of a fully integrated & diverse Heaven!

The roots of racism have a long history in this part of our country and in many of our own families. All of us struggle with self-justification and attempts to feel superior at others’ expense. We resist God’s command to honor others above ourselves (Romans 12:10). Seek true repentance in this area, reminding yourself that the ground at the foot of the cross is level.

3) Build relationships with people who are not like you.

Examine your life and look for opportunities to meet and intentionally build relationships with people who are different than you are. Sit with different people in worship services and at ball games. Seek out new people to meet and practice hospitality.

4) Be willing to adapt.

In church, this might mean singing a song in Spanish or incorporating different worship elements into our services. Don’t turn a personal preference into a principle. Learn to appreciate other cultures and other people.

5) Rock Bridge Español is coming … pray, serve, & invite!

At our Dalton Campus, we will be launching monthly outreach events in Spanish that will run concurrently with our Rock Bridge PM service. These outreach events will meet in the Wink Theatre and share RB Kids Ministry. We pray that in the future, we can have weekly services in Spanish where Pastor Enrique will preach, using the same Bible passage as all other RB worship services. If you are interested in helping serve or being involved in anyway, please contact

There was a vast multitude from every nation, tribe, people, and language, which no one could number, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were robed in white with palm branches in their hands. And they cried out in a loud voice:

Salvation belongs to our God,
who is seated on the throne

Revelation 7:9-10 {HCSB}