Month: October 2016


Our Elders have called us as a church to a Day of Prayer & Fasting on Wednesday, November 2nd. We see connections in Scripture between the intense prayer and fasting of God’s people and God’s work among those same people (see Acts 13:1-3). For many of us, fasting can seem out of reach—only for a […]


Below is a summary of the truths, principles, and guidelines Rock Bridge would aspire to as we make disciples of Jesus and act as “salt and light” in the world in which we find ourselves.       1) The central issue is the Lordship & Kingship of Jesus Christ. We must be careful not […]

Our Next Staff Position: Executive Pastor (XP)

Our Next Staff Position: Executive Pastor (XP) What? Why? When? Off and on for several years, our church has contemplated creating the position of Executive Pastor (XP) within our organization. The impulses for this consideration have been driven by two factors: the growing complexities and dynamics of our ministry and the limitations and capacities of […]