Starting 2019 Part 2: Prayer

Matt Evans

Posted January 9, 2019
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In this series of blog posts, we are covering how we might say at the end of 2019 that we at Rock Bridge like King David before us “served the purposes of God” (Acts 13:36).

In the military, orders and directives frequently started with the “BLUF” or the “bottom line up front.” Let me start this blog with the BLUF –

Prayer is our primary strategy, greatest ministry, and most important work.

While that statement sounds cliché, it’s truth must permeate the practices and life of our church. Where unbelief around prayer exists, let’s attack it with truth:

  • I am the vine; you are the branches. The one who remains in me and I in him produces much fruit, because you can do nothing without me. [John 15:4-5, CSB]
  • Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. [Philippians 4:6, CSB]
  • No wisdom, no understanding and no counsel will prevail against the Lord. A horse is prepared for the day of battle but victory comes form the Lord. [Proverbs 21:30-31, CSB]
  • Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain; unless the Lord watches over a city, the watchman stays alert in vain. [Psalm 127:1, CSB]

Rock Bridge, God has called us to do the humanly impossible;
every piece of lasting fruit cannot be produced apart from Him;
every dream God has for this church cannot come to fruition except through Him.

And the bridge between our impossible and God’s possible is prayer;
the link between our impotency and His omnipotence is prayer;
His power, His grace, and His power flow through the ordained channel of prayer.

We must repent of prayerlessness and anything that contributes to it.
We need less of what we can do and more of what He can do.

An empty tomb and available resurrection power assure us that the best is yet to come but we must pray our way into the preferred future; we must pray God’s promises of future grace and favor; we must pray for Him to move among us, fill us with His Spirit, and move mountains for His glory!

Rock Bridge, for all of these reasons, there is no more important service for us than our monthly First Wednesday service. We are committed to praying together and for one another while observing the Lord’s Supper which reminds us that all of His promises to us are “Yes!” in Christ (2 Corinthians 1:20) and that grace and mercy from His throne are ours in Christ (Hebrews 4:16).

            Would you please make participation in this service a monthly priority?

In addition to First Wednesday, please be in prayer for our Elders and staff as we devote the month of January to prayer and fasting.

If personally you sense the Lord leading you to pray more frequently and intentionally for His church at Rock Bridge, then send an email to as we form a team specifically devoted to prevailing prayer.

Let’s pray together even now:

Lord, whatever it takes, teach us to pray. Forgive us for the unbelief and lack of discipline that results in prayerlessness. Move us to pray, lead us to stand in the gap for the oppressed and those in bondage; for our families, our lost friends & neighbors, our cities, our nation and the world. Come in power Lord God and accomplish Your purpose through us.