Matt Evans

Anchors in Tragedy

We have this hope as an anchor for our lives, safe and secure. {Hebrews 6:19a} Chattanooga. San Bernandino. Orlando… And now Dallas. All too frequently we learn of yet another act of violence, another tragic loss of life, and we wonder what in the world is going on?!? While the immediate circumstances of these tragedies […]

Summer's Most Important Question

“What is God currently teaching me?” This is such a necessary question for those of us who profess to be disciples (or students) of Jesus, but most likely it’s a question that gets overtaken by other questions that seem more urgent and more practical. But this side of heaven, perhaps there is no greater question […]

Resurrection: Fact or Fiction?

There is no more important an issue for the Christian (or the non-Christian) than the resurrection of Jesus… for Christianity rests on the reality of it. In the words of Apostle Paul, “If Christ has not been raised, your faith is worthless …” (I Corinthians 15:17). Christians understand the reality of the resurrection as they […]

Is It OK to Go to War?

Please choose a color: In this past weekend’s message we read Jesus taught that we are not to resist an evildoer and to love our enemies (Matthew 5:38-44). A logical and timely question then becomes, “Is war wrong?”   This question has been debated throughout the history of Christianity. Until around the 4th Century—when Christianity became […]

Weakness Exploited

The Advantage of Weakness   We are not accustomed to embracing weakness. In our culture, being strong (or appearing strong) is the goal. Additionally, our pride whispers the idea that strength is what matters. Yet in Jesus’ Kingdom we encounter the radical and “contrary to popular belief” concept that God blesses and uses those who […]

Moving, Not Drifting.

God is always moving; yet we tend to drift.   The Bible and history show us that God is always moving. He moves to save, to bring justice, to restore, to form a people for Himself, and to exalt Jesus. However, we tend to drift … and we never drift toward God or good things. Think about […]