Monday, March 16, 2020
Dear Rock Bridge,
This morning in prayer I was deeply impressed to think on the fact that God is merciful and then to pray for His mercy. God’s mercy is the attribute that causes Him to be compassionate and kind to us—not on the basis of what we deserve but simply because of Who He is!
To appreciate God’s mercy, we must remember what we deserve.
To appreciate God’s mercy, we must remember what Christ has done.
A.W. Tozer describes these twin remembrances like this:
Did we not by our sins take part in that unholy rebellion which rashly sought to dethrone the glorious King of creation? And did we not in times past walk according to the course of this world … did we not all at once live in the lusts of our flesh?
We who earned banishment shall enjoy communion; we who deserve the pains of hell shall know the bliss of heaven. And all through the tender mercy of our God.
Today, we must remember our need for His mercy.
We need God’s help. Our church needs it, our communities need it, our country needs it, and our world needs it. We need His help in a thousand different ways: for the sake of our weak faith, for courage to live righteously and sacrificially, for wisdom to combat COVAD-19, for strength to overcome fear, and for hope to face eternity with joy and not despair.
But we do not deserve the help we need. What hope do we have?
MERCY. And it has been given to us!
“… let us approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in time of need.” {Hebrews 4:16, CSB}
Today, let us pray perhaps the simplest and yet most powerful prayer in all of Scripture and one that God promises to answer:
“God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” {Luke 18:13}
Needing His mercy with you,