Thu 2.27.2025
Thu 2.27.2025

Discovering God’s Purpose for Your Life
Discovering God’s Purpose for Your Life
In a world full of choices, uncertainties, and ever-changing paths, some of the biggest questions many of us wrestle with are:
- What is my calling?
- Does God have a specific plan for my life?
- How do I know if I’m on the right path?
In a recent interview, our lead pastor, Matt Evans, sat down with our Creative Arts Pastor, Cory Stanley, and Chatsworth Worship Minister, Chloe Guevara, to explore these questions. Their conversation was a powerful reminder that discovering our purpose isn’t about finding a perfect path but trusting God in the journey.
Calling is More Than a Job—It’s an Expression of Faith
For Cory, the idea of calling is deeply connected to purpose. He shared how, at just 14 years old, he was encouraged to lead worship at a camp. That moment opened his eyes to how he could express his faith through music.
“Everything has to deal with the gospel,” Cory explained. “Whether working, raising a family, or serving in ministry, it all connects to Jesus. But how we communicate can look different for each of us.”
For him, calling isn’t necessarily about a specific career or title. Instead, it’s about how we express Christ in our lives and how we share the gospel in whatever space we find ourselves. He recognized early on that music would be a tool for him to do just that.
Chloe added to this by reflecting on Romans 12, which talks about being transformed by the renewing of our minds. She recalled how, during her time at Lee University, she learned that calling often lies at the intersection of our gifts and passions.
“When we allow God to renew our minds, we start to see where our talents and passions align with His purposes,” she said.
It’s not just about what we love to do, and it’s not just about what we’re good at—it’s about where those things come together in a way that glorifies God.
What If I’m Not in Ministry? Does Calling Still Apply?
A common struggle for many is feeling like calling only applies to those in ministry. But Cory challenged that idea, emphasizing that God calls people into all kinds of professions.
“Maybe you’re a mechanic, and you get to share God’s love in the shop. Maybe you work in a restaurant, and your hospitality reflects Christ’s kindness. Calling isn’t just about what we do—it’s about how we do it,” Cory said.
Matt chimed in, emphasizing that we all have the same purpose: to glorify God. But our platforms—where and how we live out that purpose—can change over time.
“I was in the Navy. Now I’m in church-based ministry. Some people are college students, then they move into a career. The purpose stays the same—the platform just changes,” Matt pointed out.
Cory encouraged those searching for their calling to lean into prayer, seek wisdom from others, and trust that God may have multiple “right” paths.
“Discernment isn’t just about choosing between right and wrong,” Cory shared, quoting Charles Spurgeon. “It’s about choosing between what’s right and what’s almost right.”
This idea can be freeing. Instead of fearing that we might make the wrong choice, we can trust that when we are leaning into God, He is guiding us—even if we can’t see it clearly at the moment.
What If I Make the Wrong Choice?
One of the biggest fears people have is missing God’s will. The idea of taking a “wrong” step can feel paralyzing. But Chloe reassured that God is always guiding us—even when we feel uncertain.
“I’ve made decisions and later wondered, ‘Was that the right choice?’ But I have to come back to trusting that God is leading me, even when I don’t see the full picture,” she said.
Sometimes, calling isn’t about having a crystal-clear roadmap, but about taking steps of faith and allowing God to direct us along the way. Chloe pointed out that even if we feel like we’ve made a mistake, God is still in control.
“He’s still gonna bring me back to His path,” she said.
Cory echoed this by reminding listeners that sometimes, calling involves waiting.
“We live in a world where everything is instant. But God doesn’t work like an iPhone,” he said. “Sometimes, we need to pause, dwell in His presence, and allow Him to clear out distractions so we can hear His voice.”
Moving Forward in Faith
So, what’s the best advice for someone at a crossroads, unsure of what step to take next?
Chloe encouraged going back to Romans 12—letting God renew our minds, seeking wise counsel, and following the gentle nudges He places in our hearts.
“I don’t think God gives us a step-by-step guide,” she said. “But once we pray, seek wisdom, and start moving in faith, we begin to feel a nudge in the right direction. And that’s enough to take the next step.”
Cory reminded everyone to trust that God is making our paths straight, even when they aren’t instantly clear.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight,” he quoted from Proverbs 3:5-6.
But perhaps one of the most comforting truths from the conversation was Matt’s closing thought:
“As long as we’re asking these questions and humbly seeking God, He will guide us. If you’re unsure, wake up each day, walk in faith, and trust that wherever you are, you can glorify God right there.”
At the end of the day, God’s will isn’t about finding the one perfect job, the one right city, or the one best opportunity. It’s about leaning into Him, walking in faith, and living with purpose—right where we are.
So wherever you find yourself today, know that God is with you. Your purpose isn’t a destination—it’s a daily journey of trusting Him.

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Grief Resources
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