RBKids At Home

Welcome to RBKids @ Home!

Below you can find the links to the Elementary and Preschool worship experiences, along with the link to the 'Next Steps' section.

Preschool Worship

Preschool Lesson

i ams of jesus 1080x1080

Bible Story: I Am the True Vine (John 15)

Wonder Truth: Jesus Invites Us to Be Connected to Him

Word of Wonder (Memory Verse): Jesus is the light of the world. —from John 8:12

Elementary Worship

Elementary Lesson

i ams of jesus 1080x1080

Bible Story: I Am the True Vine (John 15)

Wonder Truth: Jesus Invites Us to Abide in Him

Word of Wonder (Memory Verse): I am the light of the world. Anyone who follows me will never walk in darkness. They will have that light. They will have life. —John 8:12

Next Steps

Have your kids decided to take a next step? Click the button below to let us know so that we can walk alongside you as you lead and disciple your family.

RBKids Family Worship Playlist