Bridge Builders will have an opportunity to provide food for the homeless in the Chattanooga area.
Archives: Hope Opportunities
Read Team
Read at local elementary schools.
Voluntary Action Center – Pantry & Donations
Bridge Builders have opportunities to volunteer in the pantry and with sorting donations.
Hospice Care
Help minister to patients that are in hospice care.
Baskets of Hope – Laundry Day
Bridge Builders will have an opportunity to help the community by providing free laundry services for families.
Food Drop – Chatsworth
Bridge Builders will have an opportunity to love on our Murray County community by distributing food boxes to those who are in need.
Christ Chapel Food Bank & Thrift Store
Bridge Builders will help stock the food store, as well as aide in taking food to the clients cars. We will also help in sorting and folding clothes. Feel free to volunteer an hour or more of your time!
Foster Parents Associational Monthly Meeting – Child Care
Bridge Builders will allow Foster parents time to meet at their monthly Foster Family Association Meeting by providing childcare and activities for their foster, biological, and adopted children for an hour or two on the 2nd Thursday of every month.
Laundry Day
Bridge Builders will provide assistance with families laundry.
Voluntary Action Center – Serve Dinner
Bridge Builders have the opportunity to prepare and serve dinner at the Voluntary Action Center on the fourth Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights of each month.
Back Pack Buddies
Our Back Pack Buddy Program provides food insufficient children in Gordon County Schools with a bag of “child-friendly” food on Friday afternoons to supplement them through the weekend. Bridge Builders have the opportunity to help pack bags on Thursday mornings.
Pregnancy Center
As Bridge Builders, we have the opportunity to serve and volunteer at the Pregnancy Center on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday afternoons. We assist in their clothing closet and in washing and mending donated clothing.