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All In – Cleveland

About this Event

At Rock Bridge, we value membership and believe being part of a church family is integral to your growth as a disciple. Have you ever thought something like ‘Church isn’t for someone like me?’ We’ve heard the same thing from hundreds of people that now call Rock Bridge home. Rock Bridge was made for people from all walks of life

Whether you are beginning to follow Jesus or looking for a community in a new town, we want to help by taking that next step with you.

All In is a bi-monthly event where you’ll have an opportunity to meet with leaders, connect with others, and learn about who you are in Christ. At All In, we’ll share about what drives ministry, what membership means, and help you discover your best next step. Whether that’s connecting to a small group, joining a ministry team, getting baptized, or something else, we are committed to helping you grow in your journey with Jesus!

Sign up below!

12:00 PM

Rock Bridge Community Church

3635 Georgetown Rd NW
Cleveland, TN 37312