Campuses: Dalton


DSG: Caregivers Support

We have caring people who will answer questions, pray for you, share resources, and encourage you on the difficult journey of being a caregiver. We will meet with you when you are able and you can also connect with others via GroupMe for ongoing support. We hope you'll let us walk with you!

DSG: Widows Support

This is a support group to help connect widows to one another and strengthen them through prayer, encouragement, and fellowship with other Christians. We will meet in person on the second Tuesday of each month and informally in between (i.e. meals, park). We hope you’ll join us!

DSG: 3C Men (30s-40s)

Are you a man in your 30's or 40's? Do you want to be around other men who are doing their best to faithfully follow Jesus in this difficult world? We'd love for YOU to join us Wednesday mornings @7am for a time of communion with God and community with others!

DSG: Men’s Bible Study PM

Men's Bible Study PM will equip you to grow spiritually by applying books of the bible verse by verse. We will have time to connect with one another, watch Pastor Matt's teaching video, and discuss how to Love God, Love Others, and Live Sent!

DSG: College Students

This group is open to college students AND college age young adults in the Dalton area (about 18-23 years old). It's s a place to find community, read God's Word, and spend time praying together. We will also have social events and other fellowship opprtunities throughout the year.

DSG: Men’s Alcohol Recovery

One of our Rock Bridgers will meet you at a local support group for men who are going through alcohol addiction and recovery. There are several options to attend, so please sign up for the group OR email to learn more about the times and locations.

DSG: Fredrickson (couples)

We are a group for married couples and singles that meets on Wednesdays @6:30pm off campus (except on First Wednesdays). We are learning and encouraging one another to Love God, Love Others, and Live Sent!

DSG: Grief Share

Don't go through the grieving process alone! Join a group of caring people who will walk alongside you as you navigate the difficult journey of grief. GriefShare is a Biblically-based support group that provides hope and encouragement after the death of a loved one. We meet Tuesdays from 6-8pm on our campus in The Gathering.  […]

DSG: Cancer Care

We believe that no one should have to navigate cancer alone. If you or a loved one are battling cancer OR you’re a caregiver of someone who is; please contact us by using the “Group Signup”. We would be honored to share the journey with you!

DMG: Men’s Bible Study

Men's Bible Study will connect you with other men around tables of 6 and equip you to grow spiritually by applying God's word to our lives. Join us downstairs in The Gathering with coffee and biscuots OR you join us live online HERE. 

DSG: Prayer Team

This group is a weekly meeting where we pray for the church and for the Dalton campus specifically. It’s a powerful time and great place to learn to pray!

DSG: King (men)

This a mixed group of men in their late 30’s-60’s who focus on reading Scripture and learning how to share their faith together. Anybody is welcome!